Monday, August 08, 2005

More Castoriadis

David Ames Curtis has asked me to draw everyone's attention to the news from NotBored! that it is providing access to electro-Samizdat editions of works by Cornelius Castoriadis, including


The main launch page for all these books, plus our own essays on Castoriadis and his relevance to the Situationist International.


The launch page for "The Rising Tide of Insignificancy (The Big Sleep)," which we published in December 2003. From this page, one can access the PDF file of the book, the Translator/Editor's "Foreword," and the table of contents.


The launch page for "Figures of the Thinkable (including Passion and Knowledge)," which we published in February 2005. From this page, one can access the PDF file of the book, a large excerpt from the Translator/Editor's "Foreword," and the table of contents. (In the near future, we will provide the entirety of the T/E's "Foreword" to FTPK.)"

Anyone interested in receiving the Castoriadis/Agora International electronic update announcements can write to David at

David also informed me that Charles Kerr is to release a new edition of Facing Reality, the Johnson-Forest text by C.L.R. James, Raya Dunayevskaya, and Castoriadis (whose contribution was so mangled and published without the latter's approval that it contributed to the break between the Johnson-Forest Tendency and Socialisme ou Barbarie.)

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